Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taxes and Houses

It's hard to determine when I should update.  There's not much going on here.  I spent way too much at Target a week ago, but I've been very well behaved since then.  I'm pretty sure I don't deserve praise for that.

Lately I've been worrying over how much my paycheck is going to shrink since payroll taxes went up.  I worked on my budget last weekend and my best guess would leave me with $32 after I pay all my bills.  That won't buy me gas for two weeks let alone groceries for four weeks or laundry money for the month.  I altered some payment options for credit cards I was paying more than the minimum on and increased my take home pay and heaved a sigh of cautious relief that I might be able to afford gas or laundry, but not both, and maybe groceries for two weeks.  Happily, February is a short month.  Not that that will make any difference in the coming months when my paycheck remains stagnant and my bills continue to come due.

And last week my boss gave us a flyer indicating what the median salaries of those in our profession with equivalent experience earned.  Learning that I make $18,000 less a month than the average salary of other librarians really gave me a confidence boost.  It's horrible to realize that your employer undervalues you so much.  I've toyed with the notion of getting a second job, but the thought of leaving here, rushing home then rushing out to another job for three or four hours feels me with dread.  With my mental and physical conditions I don't think I could handle it.  I've also thought of working out of my apartment.  I'll continue to research my options in that regard.

I talked to a Loan Officer at a bank who gave me contact information about an FHA Loan Officer.  I spoke to her this morning and she's running my credit and all that other good stuff.  She's calling back later today.  I'm praying really hard right now.  I think my credit is pretty good and hopefully so will she.  It's all very nerve wracking.  I definitely don't need this stress right now.  And it's making me really hungry.  I'm trying to convince myself I am NOT hungry.  It's not going well.  And water just isn't satisfying.

On top of all that, my car is at the dealership for a recall repair.  Thankfully it is a recall and it is a free repair. But now I feel trapped at work, which I don't like.  Who knew having a car in the parking lot was so essential to my well-being?

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